Hypnobabies: Complete Childbirth Education

An easier, more comfortable childbirth experience is possible
You are Capable
You are Powerful
I Believe in You
You are Capable
You are Powerful
I Believe in You
You are Capable
You are Powerful
I Believe in You
6 week COmplete childbirth education

For 3 hours each week, change your pregnancy

Hypnobabies was adapted with permission from Gerald Kein’s “Painless Childbirth Program” techniques rather than using simple relaxation, breathing or guided imagery.

This allows our Hypno-Moms to enjoy “eyes-open childbirth hypnosis”, easily remaining deeply in hypnosis while walking, talking and changing positions; being as mobile as they would like to be during childbirth. Hypnobabies is well-known for helping women to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors, making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be.

Current Class Options

Contact to reserve your spot or ask questions about options.

Group Classes

Dates TBD.

6 weeks complete childbirth education course. Includes all materials. Scroll for FAQs and more class details.

$500, with payment plans available

Private Classes

Dates are flexible.

1-on-1 instruction for the 6 week course. Includes all materials. Contact me for more information if you are interested.

$1,200, with payment plans available.

Home Study Advantage

A 3-hour private class to cover the role of the Hypno-Birth Partner, and allows you to practice your hypnosis cues and techniques in a real Hypnobabies Birthing Rehearsal. No materials provided.

more about Hypnobabies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnobabies?

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Hypnobabies is a very successful 6 week, 3-hours per week, complete childbirth education course that was adapted with permission from Gerald Kein’s “Painless Childbirth Program” techniques rather than using simple relaxation, breathing or guided imagery. This allows our Hypno-Moms to enjoy “eyes-open childbirth hypnosis”, easily remaining deeply in hypnosis while walking, talking and changing positions; being as mobile as they would like to be during childbirth. Hypnobabies is well-known for helping women to create much shorter, easier and more comfortable labors, making childbirth the joyful experience it was meant to be.

What is Hypnosis?

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Hypnotherapist, Scott Sandland, provides us with important information about hypnosis.
“Many people think hypnosis is like the stage hypnosis shows they’ve seen where people seem to be unable to control themselves, act goofy and provide entertainment for the audience.
In reality it is a state of focused concentration where the body and mind relax together. Hypnosis is very simply: a natural state of mind in which the body and mind are extremely relaxed and yet the mind is also highly aware and focused. As you will read below, we are all in states of hypnosis many times a day automatically, so hypnosis is a very normal state of being that along with it’s ability to provide emotional and physical healing, has been widely and successfully used within the medical community for pain relief and hypno-anesthesia.”

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis!
You are always in control of your mind and your body while in hypnosis. You choose to enter hypnosis, stay in hypnosis, accept the suggestions, and emerge from hypnosis at all times.

Hypnosis is a state of relaxation in which you are;
1. In total control and
2. Can accept or reject any suggestions you hear

Hypnosis is not;
1. Being controlled by someone else
2. A loss of self control
3. A state of unconsciousness
4. A state of sleep

Examples of everyday hypnotic states which you have already experienced naturally:
1. Driving the car
2. Riding the elevator
3. Watching TV, movies, computer screens or video
4. Being bored by another person
5. Waking up and going to sleep
6. Daydreaming

So what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a very natural state of being that we all experience many times a day already…to regenerate and renew, and we are simply helping the process along during hypnosis sessions, just like programming a computer to produce a document, project or program that will produce positive results!

Can I try Hypnosis on my own?

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Absolutely! Listen to my favorite freebie from Hypnobabies.com and experience incredible relaxation right now!

Free Hypnobabies “Instantly Calm” Hypnosis Session

When should I take the Hypnobabies course?

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Around 28 weeks is the best time to start the Hypnobabies 6 week Complete Childbirth Education course. Clients should start the course no later than 34 weeks.

Can I review the course outline?

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Class 1: Introduction to Hypnobabies:
Introduction to Hypnobabies’ Philosophies and Positive Mindset; Pregnancy Anatomy and Physiology; Belief Systems; The Power of Words and How They Affect Us; How Your Mind Works – The Conscious and Subconscious; The Mind/Body Connection; What Hypnosis is and is NOT; Demonstrations of Hypnosis; How Fear Affects Comfort and Length of Labor; Fear Clearing for Childbirth; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing – Part 1; “Becoming a Parent/Dad” – Part 1; The Importance of Daily Pregnancy Affirmations; The Gifts Your Body Gives You – Your Beautiful Uterus and How it Works; Creating Your “Mental Lightswitch”; Partner Communication Exercise and the “Contract of Trust”.
Hypnosis Script: “Learning Self-Hypnosis”. (Entering hypnosis on your own and controlling all sensations in your body.)

Class 2: Staying Healthy and Safe:
Importance of Staying Healthy and Safe in Pregnancy; Nutritional Guidelines; The High Protein Advantage; Eggs, Salt and Calcium in Pregnancy; Hydration for Two; Avoidance of Harmful Substances; Safe and Comfortable Prenatal Sleeping and Resting Positions; Natural Comfort Measures for Pregnancy; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing – Part 2; “Becoming a Parent/Dad” – Part 2; Introduction of the Stages of Labor including the “Baby-Kindness” Stage; New Baby Sensitivity Through Bonding; Using Hypnosis for Pregnancy Discomforts and Health; Prenatal Exercises for an Easier Birth; Birth Partner Assistance.
Hypnosis Script: “Creating Anesthesia”. (Modifying your hypnosis to include Hypno-anesthesia and “Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis”.)

Class 3: Your Options in Birthing:
Birth Partner’s “Relax and Feel Confident” audio track; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing – Part 3; “Becoming a Parent/Dad” – Part 3; The Importance of Making Excellent Birthing Decisions; the “Big Secrets”; Detailed Childbirth Choices – Risks, Benefits and Alternatives for Common Procedures; Getting Informed Consent, Hospital Forms and Your Rights; Questions for Caregivers – Consumer Issues and Positive Communication; Creating the Birth Plan of your Dreams; “Big” Babies; Packing Your Birth Bag; Touring Your Place of Birth; Benefits of a Professional Labor Assistant; “Hypno-Doulas”; Introduction of the Abdominal Lift and Tuck Birthing Techniques; Preparation for Comfortable Pushing.
Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth # 1 – Birth Hypnosis Tools”. (Learning cues for deepening hypnosis and Hypno-anesthesia instantly.)

Class 4: The Onset of Labor:
Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing – Part 4; “Becoming a Parent/Dad” – Part 4; Your “Guess Date” and Normal Length of Pregnancy; Preparing for your Birthing Day; Signs of Birthing Beginning; Amniotic Membranes Breaking – Your Safe Choices; True vs. “False” Labor; How to Time Your Birthing Waves (contractions); Your Birth Log; When to go to the Birth Place; Automatic Comfort and Relaxation on “The Drive” and Arrival at Your Place of Birth (if out of your home); Hypno-Guardians; Nurses – the Unsung Heroes; Using Hypnosis for Comfort During Internal Exams; Dilation, Effacement, Position and Station of Baby; The Beautiful Progress of Labor, Including Fast , Average and Slow or Stalled Labor; Artificial Induction and Natural Induction Techniques; Creating a Safe and Serene Birthing Environment; Nausea Elimination; Optimum Fetal Positioning.
Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth # 2 – Deepening Your Hypno-Anesthesia.” (Birth Partner Cues for instantly deepening hypnosis and moving anesthesia around to different areas of your body.)

Class 5: Birth Partners, Transformation and Birth:
Birth Partners Training: Your Role During Pregnancy and Birthing Reviewed; How a Labor Assistant Can Help the Hypno-Partner; 4 Pages of Verbal Birthing Cues; Physical Comfort Techniques; the Change of Plans Hypnosis Script.

Late First Stage Labor – Transition…or “Transformation”; Hypnosis Deepening techniques; Trusting in Your Body, Your Mind and your Baby; Protecting the Hypno-Mom!; Effective Positions for Birthing; Benefits and Use of the Birth Ball; Exhale Pushing and Avoiding the “Ring of Fire” with Hypnosis; Safe Birthing of the Placenta; Cord Traction, Pitocin, Post-Partum Choices. Review: Membranes Releasing, Hypnobabies Tools, Using Your Mental Lightswitch, Fear Clearing for Childbirth; Avoiding a Cesarean Section; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing – Part 5; “Becoming Dad” – Part 5.
Hypnosis techniques practice: Using Hypnobabies in the Moment! Full practice of our Hypnobabies Lightswitch techniques, Peace cue, Release cue, Birth Partner’s cues, and Moving Hypno-Anesthesia around Your Body.

Class 6: Birthing Your Baby and Beyond:
In-depth Birthing Rehearsal using all Hypnobabies Techniques, Birth Balls, Walking, Positional Changes and Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis where our Hypno-Moms and Birth Partners practice their Hypnobabies cues and techniques together, in hypnosis, culminating with “giving birth” using Hypno-Anesthesia.

New Mother and Baby Care: “Becoming a Parent/Dad” – Part 6; Support for the New Family during the First 2 Weeks Postpartum; Care for the New Mother; Baby Kindness; Normal Newborn Appearance; Creating a Newborn Baby Care Plan/Choices for Baby’s Care including Hospital and Homebirth Newborn Procedures, Bathing … or Not?; Vaccinations, Circumcision and Rooming In; Breastfeeding, an Overview; Breastfeeding and Jaundice, Latching, Non-Schedules, Laid-Back Breastfeeding; BF Resources, Attachment Parenting Information, and much more!

How is Hypnobabies different from other birth hypnosis courses?

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Hypnobabies has many great benefits! For starters, upon enrollment and before class starts you receive 2 Hypnobabies tracks, Your Special Place, which allows you to learn and become proficient in deep physical relaxation, and Easy, Comfortable Childbirth, enabling you to easily master deep hypnosis and positive birth training.

Hypnobabies teaches "eyes open childbirth hypnosis," which allows moms to walk and talk and move around freely during childbirth, yet remain very relaxed, fully present, aware and in touch with her body and baby and more comfortable while doing so.

You receive 18 hours of instruction with in-depth somnambulistic hypno-anesthesia training and practice, as well as a full birthing rehearsal in class 6 so that you and your partner can experience using your actual Hypnobabies techniques and different labor positions while in hypnosis, which also provides your birth partner with hands-on examples of how to use their cues and provide support.

Birth partners are fully trained and prepared with their very own birth partner's hypnosis track for a calm and confident attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth, their own detailed Birth Partner's Guide booklet for birth.

Through Hypnobabies you receive 18 tracks, including Hypnobabies birth visualization, so that you can mentally and emotionally practice entering birthing time, experience your comfortable birthing techniques, and give birth easily and in a very detailed and personal way.

Plus so much more!

Does my partner attend class too?

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Absolutely! There is so much to learn for both mom and birth partner in class. Attending with your partner has many benefits, including partner feeling more involved in the pregnancy, both learning and experiencing childbirth hypnosis, both learning positions and tools to help mom during her birthing time, and partner feeling empowered and knowledgeable on the birth process and how to be the best support during birth and postpartum.

If your partner can't attend, you are welcome to bring a parent or a friend to class, especially if they will be present at your birth. It is recommended to bring someone who is supportive of your birth preferences.

How do I sign up for your class?

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First, let's jump on a call to get to know one another. I love to learn about you and your partner and your birth preferences, so fill out a contact form and let's get a call on the calendar. After our initial consultation, I will send you an enrollment form for you and your partner to fill out. Once that is completed and your deposit is paid, you are all set for class! I will also send you your pre-class tracks to get familiar with hypnosis before class even starts!

What if your class dates or times don't work for us?

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With my in-person classes, you could join in virtually if you would like. Although there is nothing like meeting in person with other couples! If my class dates and times don't work, I would check with Jane Szerba to see what dates she is teaching Hypnobabies. I would also recommend any Hypnobirthing classes, especially Nicole Stewart's class!

A note from the instructor

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After learning Hypnobabies and using it for both of my birth experiences, I know firsthand the power in the tools and how to make the preparation fit into your daily life. Like training for a marathon, your birth is the most physical activity you will ever experience as a woman, so it deserves the time and energy to prepare and train for it. Outside of the 3-hour class, there is weekly reading and daily practice with the childbirth hypnosis tracks to learn the tools better and how to deepen your hypnosis in preparation for your birth. Through the course and beyond, you are reworking your subconscious mind and rewriting all of the negative files your brain has stored regarding birth to being positive and confident in your ability to birth your baby and to even enjoy the experience.

I had two very different birth experiences, but with the knowledge from Hypnobabies and preparation with my childbirth hypnosis tools, I was able to navigate everything my birth experiences had in store fro me and had two very empowering births. I love Hypnobabies and can't wait for you to learn the tools to have an easier, more comfortable childbirth experience!

Still have questions? Feel free to contact me.

Upcoming Classes

Oct 23 - Nov 27

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6 spots left! Last class of the year! Perfect for December - February babies.

Location: Modern Midwives, 830 3rd St S Ste 108, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Day of the Week and Time: Mondays, 6:00 - 9:00 pm ET

Private Classes Year Round

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Class dates or times don't work for you? Let's discuss a private class or I'd be happy to recommend other childbirth education options!


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